Sunday 10 August 2014

How to - Liquid Latex

Special effects makeup has to be my favourite sort of makeup. As much as I love a good contour or a smokey eye,when people are able to make realistic looking cuts and bruises just using makeup I bow down to them! 
While scouring the internet for whatever makeup I could find I spotted some liquid latex for £1.99 and thought I'd be brave and try it out! 
I started off by pouring some into a litte jar and applying it to the area you want to create the bruise on with a beauty blender,I then took a piece of tissue and pulled it in half so I had a thin piece and start applying that on top of the latex
And then continue doing that until you have as many layers as you want! (This one took about 4 layers) 
I then cut into it with a plastic knife or whatever else you can find to open it up and you're left with something like that! 
After getting it into the shape you desire I like to cover that and the hand in my usual foundation so it looks more life like. And then take all the lipsticks and eyeshadows I can find and fill it in to look realistic! And I ended up with something like this
Once I'd made it look as realistic as I could I took a needle and thread and started to loosely sew through the parts that were sticking up to created the second look which is personally my favourite!

I've actually invested in more specially effects makeup,scar wax,fake blood and a brusing wheel, so I'm hoping the next one I do may look abit better than just using eyeshadow but I am pretty pleased with how this turned out and once you get into it,it's pretty easy to do! This is my second time using the stuff so I am still working on what to do and hopefully I'll be an expert at the stuff in a few months...


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