Sunday 17 August 2014

How to - The Perfect Red Lip

I'm being very modest with the title of this post to be honest. This look is far from perfect on myself cause I have the weirdest shaped lips going. However if you have nice normal lips with an actual cupids bow,here's now to get a "perfect red lip" (the lighting was awful today and the only before picture I got looks like a mug shot..but never mind)
When it comes to any bright coloured lip you want the lips to look as smooth as possible. So before doing anything make sure your lips are nice and mousiturised,for this I used the EOS lip balm in blueberry (tastes like blueberry muffins,so good) (ps:that little mark above my lip that looks like herpies isn't,it's a stupid spot that's refusing to go away..not good) 
I blend that into my lip so they're not too wet and then start by lining the lips. This is a hard task for cupid bow-less people but I make an 'X' shape where the bow would be and the outline the rest of the lip,and then fill the lip on with the pencil. I used the models own lip liner in red for this.
Next it's time for the scary part. If you're really good with your hands or you're just abit lazy and can't be bothered to find a lip brush (that's me!!) then you can apply the colour straight from the bullet and hope for the best. If you prefer it to be super clean cut then make sure you use a brush to apply it to the lips. My personal choice for lipstick was Mac Ruby Woo,I love this colour cause it's a matte consistency on the lips and leaves the best finish in my opinion! But of course you can use your favourite red lipstick for this part! After applying the first layer I like to blot the lipstick to get rid of an excess and then apply another coat if needed.
You can always just leave the lip like this and you're finished. But if you don't want to be applying your lipstick every hour cause it's worn off then my favourite thing to do is to take a piece of 1 ply toilet roll and place that over the lips,then take a translusant powder and apply that over the tissue to set the colour down. For this I used the Mac Prep&Prime translusant powder 
And you're done!! I wore this look for about 3/4 hours and I may have done abit of eating/drinking and the colour stayed in place all day I was very pleased with the outcome! 

Enjoy xx